Rainy Cafés

I guess I’m on a trend of describing weather conditions and different locations. But the weather and location of where you are can affect your mood and the thoughts [...]

Waking Up

Disclaimer: Names were changed for privacy reasons.  I open my eyes to bright light flooding through my mother’s bedroom window. It’s early afternoon now, I’ve missed school again, and [...]

Positivity or Denial?

I don’t usually read self-help books, but I recently came across The Subtle Art of not Giving A F*#k by Mark Manson. It’s not the usual self-help book, where [...]

Healthy Habits: What You Do Impacts You

We all have habits. There are some we consider good, and others not-so-good. A habit is  “an acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary” according [...]


It’s not a very special number. There’s no rosy summer tale to tell. It’s actually the number of seconds a night I sleep, at most, for numerous days in [...]

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